Summer Artist 2018: Eetu Kevarinmäki

Eetu Kevarinmäki made installations and site-specific art works during the summer. He also curated works by other artists to the public space. Installation by Ville Malja and a video work by Nayab Ikram were exhibited at the shopping mall Torikeskus for a week. KASA (Finnish for “PILE”) by Mikko Paakkonen and Mikko Heino (in the picture) was installed at the Citizen’s square in the Alvar Aalto centre.

The summer artist also made art works on his own. He repaired two bus stops and turned the idea of street art upside down. It is often considered vandalism, but is it always about messing up the public space? Could is also repair what’s damaged? In addition he also started individual photography projects that continued also after the summer.

Eetu Kevarinmäki (born 1993) is a visual artist and photographer. He graduated from the Turku Art Academy. In addition to visual art he is interested in producing projects and events.
