Summer Artist 2019: Aeon Lux

Aeon Lux aimed to make Seinäjoki space-ready. The city has declared itself as the “capital of space” in its’ marketing, but what does it mean? Is the city fully prepared for the title? The summer artist used social media to create a narrative of the city’s fictional sci-fi presence and past, galactical hitch-hiking culture and our relations to other space species. The artist made video works about the capital of space. They were published on the Kunsthalle Seinäjoki Youtube channel.

The summer artist made Space traffic signs that were installed to public spaces (in the picture). The signs for example showed where to hitch-hike to get a ride on a U.F.O, warned about strange light phenomenons and forbid creating crop circles. One of the signs is installed permanently in the yard of Kalevan Navetta. The summer artist also participated in different summer events in the city.

Aeon Lux (born 1993) makes video art, performance and paints. She graduated from the Kankaanpää Art School and currently lives and works in Seinäjoki.