2.9.2022 - 8.9.2022

Oleksandra Viazinko: Visible Radiation


Free admission

“Once upon a time when there was no moon, there was no death.”

-Mende fairy-tale “How the Moon Appered”-

Opening on Friday 2nd of September from 4 to 7 p.m.All welcome!

The exhibition is open from 2 to 8 of September 2022, Sat 11am-3pm and Mon-Thurs 11am-7pm.

Kunsthalle Seinäjoki has invited the Ukrainian artist Oleksandra Viazinko to have an exhibition in Itikka space, as part of the Kunsthalle mediates – side program concept.

Viazinko’s print collage series Visible Radiation is on display at the week-long exhibition.

In “Visible Radiation” I used photographs from my family archives, my photographs of the moon, Galileo Galilei’s and Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of the Moon as well as the photograph titled “Earthrise” taken aboard Apollo 8. Visible radiation is a visible light, electromagnetic waves which our eyes can perceive. It is a metaphor of light which our relatives radiate no matter how far they are from us.Moon is the symbol of never-ending life, of rebirth, it becomes young and old as people do. With the help of the moon people used to measure time. They used to believe that there are cities and towns on the moon. “Visible Radiation” is a story about our roots and our memory, our ancestors and our deep connection to them.

– Oleksandra Viazinko

Oleksandra Viazinko is a visual artist born in 1991 in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Viazinko studied literary criticism at National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” and has been an editor at Kyiv Academic Pechersk Theatre. She has spent the summer of 2022 as an artist-in-residence at the Nelimarkka Museum, supported by the Pentti Moisio cultural heritage fund.